Saturday, September 30


That’s what asshole-in chief Donald Trump told us Black folk when he was trollin us for our votes. Well, here we are nine months into our national nightmare, and the question has finally been answered: It seems we got a helluva lot to lose with this motherfucker in office. Most white folks believe discrimination is over. Y’all know that shit ain’t true. Things are getting worse, and not just in casual interactions with white folks. There is hard evidence that explicit racial discrimination is a major part of American life in the early 21st century. Most white Americans have minor opposition to the most hateful forms of racism against us, while holding prejudiced views and having racist behavior. That bullshit myth of “post-racialism” has by now largely been dispelled, in part because of movements like Black Lives Matter—as well as the rise of Donald Trump. And there seems to be a growing awareness that “colorblindness” does more to entrench racial disadvantage than rectify it. Thankfully, there are policies that can begin to address this profound racial wealth gap. But we have yet to have any kind of discussion about it, even as we barrel toward a world where most Blacks and Latinos live on the edge of misery. The racial wealth gap isn’t yet a national priority. It needs to be. Unfortunately, we will have to wait at least four more years for that to happen.

Sunday, May 21


OK America let me explain a few things before this impeachment shit gets too out of hand. No, Republicans ain't simpletons who can't see Trump is a freakish, fool ass caricature of a president. They don't give a fuck about Trump. If he hangs by his little blue balls so be it. Or if he's pushed off the impeachment cliff, they still don't give a fuck! He's a useful village idiot who will help them replace two or three more Supreme Court justices... one of their four sacred goals.
The racist Republicans want to move the Supreme Court to permanently conservative status, something them motherfuckers can easily do in the next four years. This new and improved GOP wants to eliminate every damn social program of the New Deal which means killing off Medicaid, privatizing Social Security and drowning Medicare, and doing away with Section 8, Food Stamps (SNAP), and anything aiding Black people.
Their third goal is to invent regressive taxes that make payin Corporate taxes avoidable, and takin away any tax that don't give the wealthy more wealth. And finally their fourth goal is to gut the power of the Federal government including  control over public lands, healthcare, education, labor law, unions, postal services, civil rights and our voting protections.
SO, based on basics.... their dream of shrinking the Federal government is imminent!!
So, dummy Trump twisting in the wind is just a fuckin gift to them as they tear down the temple. Imagine this shit: the Republicans  burning the Capitol, then barricading all the damn roads to stop the firemen from getting close enough to put the fire out.They need Trump in office long enough to get their bills signed and when the inevitable impeachment happens, WE get duffus Mike Pence, a smoother, smarter imbecile  than Trump.
So stop begging them Republicans to interrupt their viagra powered orgasm of rightwing looting and pillaging. They ain't listening to us or any of our goddamn protests! The only thing that can stop them motherfuckers is the 2018 midterm elections! And even then them assholes have fucked up the system to the point that only a complete "run the fuckin polls" will change the outcome. They don't think Trump is fuckin up America. He is their boy while they "save" America by destroying the Federal Government.
When more than half of America thought email servers, Russian spies, Bernie Sanders, Hillary fatigue, and fake ass apathy were worth staying home, they elected Trump. He ain't  their problem. An unchecked, die-hard racist GOP is the problem, and unless 2018 gives the Senate to the Democratic Party and kills the GOP death grip on Congress, you can kiss America good bye and stop calling America the leader of the free world. And for all you third party motherfuckers who say the two Party system is a failure. Hope you enjoy a one party system, because America is just 18 shitty months shy of finding out what that's like....unless Black folk vote like 2008!!!!!

Monday, November 14


According to exit poll numbers, 13% of the Black men who voted in the Presidential election voted for Donald Trump.

Yeah, I know.

This even surpasses the number of Black male voters who went for both McCain and Romney

I know that too.

Can you explain how that happened? Why would 13% of Black men vote for this man?

Because some niggas are really stupid.

Really? Some niggas are stupid? That’s your explanation?

Yea. There’s really no need for me to expound. 13% of niggas just don’t have the good sense God and Isaac Hayes gave them.

Does this surprise you at all?

That 13% of Black men voted for a man who openly engages and cultivates racists like they’re grass-fed chickens? Yea. But, that 13% of niggas are dumb enough to do that? Nope.

Why not?

Because, generally speaking, 13% of niggas are dumb. If you grabbed a random sampling of 10 niggas, between 1 and 1.3 of them are going to prone to prolonged bouts of dumbassshitness. It’s a science.
Now, I’m aware the 13% of niggas being dumber than a misspelled stop sign sounds brutal. But for comparison’s sake, 21% of men generally are dumb. So there are actually less dumb as the fuck Black men than dumb as the fuck men in general.

Interesting! Why do you think this is?

Niggas just can’t afford to be dumb, which is something we all know, so it’s usually beaten out by tree branches out of love at a young age. Grown-ass dumb-ass Black men end up on World Star or named “Tyga.” Grown-ass dumb-ass White men end up in the fuckin White House!!
So if you happen to meet a grown-ass dumb-ass nigga, know that his stupidity is intentional. Premeditated and calculated. That he’s had decade’s worth of grandmas and teachers and coaches and homies and barbers and lovers desperately trying to iron some sense into his natural Black ass… some even willing to sacrifice their own asses for his… but he was so set on being a dumb motherfucker that it didn’t matter. Know that this nigga tried his damn hardest to be dumb; he studied stupidity; he gave more effort, more blood, sweat, and tears into intellectual fuckshitlery than anything else.
Be afraid of that nigga. Be very afraid.

This is quite fascinating. So, if you don’t mind me asking, how does a grown-ass Black man end up being so damn stupid?

There are myriad possible causes. Some are so obsessed with being close to whiteness… being loved and accepted by white people or constructing himself in the white man’s image (or both) — that it fries their brain cells; effectively turning them into a crumpled pair of white-boy Wrangler jeans. Some are hamstrung by patriarchy, where misogyny is so deeply embedded in their sorry ass psyches that they’re not even aware it’s there. Some treat Christianity like a bottomless Golden Corral buffet; deciding to choose which parts of the Bible they’ll follow and which ones they’ll ignore. Some order all of their reading material from the ads in the back of Smooth Magazine. And some just got really caught up in Pre-Paid Legal in the late 90s.
Add each of these populations together (and control for the overlap) and you have 10 to 13% of niggas.

Thank you for the explanation!

You’re welcome! Any time!

Thursday, November 10


More than 50 years has passed…..the Montgomery Bus Boycott, Selma, Bull Conner, water hoses, dogs, lynching’s………..get my point? The start of the modern civil rights era……..all that.
BUT………………it’s now the time for real leadership. Old familiar faces in the same places………’s time to GO! Reverends Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton….gotta go. Cornel West, Michael Eric Dyson, Melissa Harris Perry, Henry Louis Gates, the Black Lives Matter girls….gotta go. John Conyers, John Lewis…….outa here. Get my point?
NOW……….When Donald Trump asked us Black people, “What have you got to lose?” his words were met with contempt from us. But in reality he posed a good ass question. What do we have to show for years of Democratic votes? Obama bailed out the banks, insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, and even Ukraine. But he didn’t rebuild Detroit or New Orleans, bring jobs to the “inner city”, stand up to police killings, and fight back like a brother. The water in Flint, Michigan is still poisoned and the prisons are still full of Black folk. And the band played on…………..
YES……. Republicans have been the white people’s party for nearly 50 years. Trump just made it more obvious. He didn’t tell us anything we didn’t already fuckin know. Shit….we don’t have to be the losers in this election. We need to remember what we’ve achieved in our history. Half of Black folks didn’t even have the right to vote in the 1960s yet we made earth shattering progress in a short time. But we must understand the source of that progress. It came from struggle and a daring to create the crises that always bring about change. (Real time)
BUT……..Those Black folks that didn’t give a damn about voting shouldn’t be blamed either. They must have had a personal introspection that is meaningful and political, or they just didn’t give a damn. Their lack of enthusiasm speaks to the Democratic Party and Black mis-leadership incompetence. We gotta stop the personal blame and help one another in this process as we fight for justice and peace.
WE ARE…………The new face of our movement will be Facebook, Twitter, and over 150 Black blogs like mine, all united in an internet alliance. All of the past must be reconciled and put away for future generations. We will hold Donald J. Trump to account for any lies that he tells and any attempts to quiet us. (Attempts are already being made) We will push back on his appeals to white identity politics that are dividing us daily. We will continue to call out the bullies, bigots, and racist hypocrites. The policies Trump has proposed represent a challenge to our civic fabric, liberal values, and world order. And that is the challenge that WE Bloggers will have to confront unflinchingly in our duty to remain active and engaged while speaking our conscience. We will not shimmy, shake, or suck up to those in power. We will remain steadfast in our belief that the difference between patriotism and nationalism is at the heart of Black exceptionalism.
REALLY………I was honestly going to stop writing and blogging if Hillary Clinton won. The passion for making my thoughts known every night was really getting to me, but Führer Trump Cheeto winning Tuesday and becoming our 45th President made me realize that I have to stick around just a little longer.
After all, typing at times might be just as good as fighting.ter all, typing at times might be just as good as fighting.

Wednesday, October 26


1.   Avoid concentrations of all Black people not known to you personally.
2.   Stay out of heavily populated Black neighborhoods.
3.   If planning a trip to a beach or amusement park at some date, find out whether it is likely to be swamped with Blacks on that date (neglect of this one will likely get you shot).
4.   Do not attend events likely to draw a lot of Blacks.
5.   If you are at some public event at which the number of Blacks suddenly swells, leave as quickly as possible.
6.   Do not settle in a district or municipality run by Black politicians.
7.   Before voting for a Black politician, scrutinize his/her character much more carefully than you would a white person.
8.   Do not act as a Good Samaritan to Blacks in apparent distress, e.g., on the highway.

9.   If accosted by a strange Black in the street, smile and say something polite but keep moving.”

Tuesday, October 25


I was overjoyed and proud of my people for building the African American History and Culture Museum in Washington. It's long overdue if you ask me. But better late than never I guess. Hum? Anyway, silly me, I told myself that I was going to take a trip up to Washington with one of my female friends, spend the night, hit up a nice restaurant, and spend a couple of days visiting the shiny new museum. Not! What the hell was I thinking? Tickets are sold out until at least March of 2017. Apparently the place is a hit, and getting a ticket is almost as tough as scoring a ticket to see the Cubs play!
So I was thinking about the museum and all of its early success, when I read the following article about one of my least favorite people on this earth.
"The National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, D.C. only has one reference to Clarence Thomas: that of Anita Hill testifying against him in his confirmation hearings.
But a petition launched from the StandUnited website is looking to change that, calling for Thomas’ inclusion in the museum as part of African-American history. The petition is called “Director for Smithsonian Museum of African-American Culture and History, Lonnie Bunch III: Don’t Overlook African American Leaders like Justice Clarence Thomas” and was launched on October 6. Already, it has gotten about 8,000 signatures.
“Justice Thomas is the longest-serving African American Supreme Court Justice in our nation’s history,” Angela Morabito, who is the senior campaign manager of the website, told “StandUnited users are commenting on the petition about how they want to see Smithsonian embrace history, instead of selectively editing it.”
“Justice Thomas has a uniquely American story, in all its complexity – he grew up in the segregated South, and is now the second most powerful African American man in government,” Morabito continued. “Petition signers think he deserves credit for his extraordinary contributions to American government and constitutional scholarship.”

What the FUCK???? You have got to be kidding my ass!! As Whitney used to say to Bobby: "Hell. To. The. Motherfuckin. No.!!!!" First of all, this House Negro was traded from the Negro race years ago. We disowned this Negro, and everything that his coonin ass stands for. White folks can embrace him if they want to, and that's fine, but put him in your own fuckin museum. I suspect that he would prefer to be there with you in the first place. 

Thursday, October 20


One scary story about Donald Trump and his deplorable supporters, is the chance a racial apocalypse if he loses. Where does all the white rage go when Donald Trump loses? Damn!! His newly riled-up, racist supporters may not go gently into that good night. Trump’s base is so goddamn scary because it’s not so much made up of people with shared policy ideas, it’s more of an army filled with angry white folks who’ve been hungry for emancipation from political correctness and DIVERSITY (Niggers & Mexicans)! The reason Trump’s campaign events sell out . . . is because Trump and his campaign rallies offer the racist attendees something no other candidate does: an uncut taste of good ol’ fashioned Bigotry. Racism has been around some 500 years, and during that time we Black folk have learned a lot about them “good ol boys.” Not all of em are racists. And for those who are racists, their views may not lead to threatening actions. When Black folks and whites work on jobs where cooperation is a matter of life and death, like the military or on a construction site, people, no matter their beliefs, tend to find a way to get along. Hum?

THE TRUMP EFFECT, OUR CHILDREN ARE BEING CONTAMINATED: Some schoolteachers are finding an alarming level of fear and anxiety among Black and Hispanic children which in turn is inflaming racial and ethnic tensions in the classroom. Many teachers have noted an increase in bullying, harassment and intimidation of Black, Hispanic, and Muslim students whose races, religions or nationalities have been Trump’s verbal targets on the campaign trail. So, all of a sudden, white kids have a newfound hate for Black and brown children? They’ve been hearing Trump’s racist and misogynist speech for a little over a year. They’ve been living with their parents much longer. For centuries, so-called populists like asshole Trump have tried to create and perpetuate racial divisions for their own political and economic gain. Divide and conquer the working class by making whites feel superior to Black people……..even as Trump picks the pockets of both groups. Then blame each for the other’s failure. Neat ain’t it? It’s not hard to see that the ripping-off of America’s middle class has been underway for at least 50 years. Many are understandably angry, although too often at the wrong motherfuckin villain. And unless Black and white working-class people come together and stop falling for these political con games, that nightmare will continue. Plain & simple!!

Wednesday, October 19


Donald Trump may be the last hope for a President who would be good for white people. Huh ya say? Trump is the first Presidential candidate from a major party ever to earn his support because he’s talking about policies that would slow the deficit of white people. That’s something that’s very important to me and to all racially conscious Black folk. The success of the racist Trump campaign just proves that his views resonate with millions. His supporters might not be ready for the Ku Klux Klan yet,  but as anti-white hatred escalates, they surely will. The cheetoed one didn’t become the object of white nationalist affection simply because his positions reflect their core concerns. Right Wing-Extremists made him their chosen candidate and now hail him as "Emperor Trump" because he has AMPED UP their RACIST message on social media—and, perhaps most importantly, has damn near broken his neck to avoid distancing himself from the racist right. With the exception of David Duke, Trump has not disavowed one single endorsement from the dozens of neo-Nazis, Klansmen, white nationalists, and militia supporters who have backed him. Trump, along with his family members, staffers, and silly ass surrogates, has instead provided an unprecedented platform for the ideas and rhetoric of far-right extremists, extending their reach exponentially. And when challenged on it by the weak ass press, Trump has stalled, looked duffus, acted ignorant, or deflected—but has never specifically rejected any of these other extremists or their ideas. Wonder why? Trump’s stance has thrilled and emboldened hate groups far more than people think. Moreover, Trump's openness and welcoming of these hate groups into mainstream American politics will have long-lasting consequences regardless of the election outcome. Those right-wing fringe talk radio shows and dozens of posts on influential hate sites tells me that what has largely been portrayed by the media as Trump "gaffes" has instead been understood by far-right extremists as a love for Emperor Trump! The racist right-wing zeal for Trump went crazy after his decision in August to hire a new campaign boss, Stephen Bannon, the former publisher of Breitbart News, and an over the top racist, big-time booster, and far-right rhetoric king. Trump's racist campaign tricks—from calls for us Black protesters to be "roughed up" to the circulation of racist, anti-Muslim, and anti-Semitic literature—is proof for them that white nationalism has not only arrived, but has found a champion in Donald Trump, major-party nominee for president of the United States.

Tuesday, October 18


I wonder how many of you married dudes out there could tell your wife that you did some inappropriate shit because some dude half your age was "egging" you on. I’m willing to guess not that many. Of course not many of you happen to have millions (yea Donald, millions; not billions) of dollars laying around, either. I was listening to some of Melania Trump's interview with CNN, and you have to kind of feel sorry for her non English speakin ass. She actually blamed her husband's misogynist and sexist behavior on a man half his age. Hum……..Which begs the serious question: If Donald Trump can be so easily be influenced by a lightweight bullshit entertainer, how the hell can he stand up to world leaders with much more influence and gravitas? Donald wasn't there during the interview, so you have to wonder what his people were thinking. Hillary stood right by Bubba's side as fucked everybody in Washington in the nineties. It's ironic that Trump's wife is now doing the very thing that they accuse Hillary of doing: Standing by her man, while Stevie Wonder can see what's really going on.  Melania said some other interesting shit to say as well:
Melania Trump is suggesting that, as First Lady, she could be interested in leading an effort to combat bullying and negativity on social media.

Mrs. Trump…. whose racist husband frequently uses social media to attack opponents - said Monday on CNN that she was worried about its impact on children. WTF!!! She said she is concerned that her 10-year-old son Barron would be exposed to tough talk on Twitter and other social media platforms. Donald Trump, of course, is frequently fightin mad on Twitter. Just earlier Monday, he took to the social media platform to unleash attacks on both sides of the aisle, targeting both Democratic Hillary Clinton and House Speaker (Eddie Munster) Paul Ryan and claiming the "dishonest" media was conspiring against him. Ok Melania, so as First Lady you won’t take on poverty, education, healthcare, world hunger or adult illiteracy. Your issue will be bullying on social media? Well, for starters, you might want to holla at that motherfucker lying next to you!!

Wednesday, September 28


This shit is important because it can give you white folks another glimpse of the mindset of some of us Black folk in the African American community. Especially as it relates to your hero… Donald J Trump.  
I know it’s been a good long while since we had an honest and open conversation. I can’t say that I speak for every one of my peeps, because we don’t all agree…just as we all know not every white person thinks or believes the same. But before the shit goes too much further and get too much worse, we need to talk dammit!! Seriously talk. Not at each other, not about each other from another room, but to each other. Yep!
First: Let’s get to brass tacks about this Trump dude.
He says he wants to make things better for all of us, which would be nice. However his track record is a bit fucked up. He once did some nice shit for Jesse Jackson. Okay, that’s cool. But he was also president of his father’s company when they were deliberately trying to get us BLACK people from living in their buildings. Yeah, sure motherfuckers, that was a long time ago. In the meantime there was the Central Park Five incident, when he called for the death penalty to be used on five innocent Black teenagers accused of a really brutal rape. That one still kinda fucks with me. He desegregated his exclusive Mar-a-Lago Club, but the truth ain’t that he did that for the benefit of us brothers and sisters and Jews who had been excluded from other clubs. He only did it to get back at the Palm Beach society, which looked down its nose at his punk ass! For a lot of longtime residents, Cheeto Trump’s decision to set up camp here was bad enough. That was in 1985, when Drumpf paid about $7 million for the 128-room Mar-a-Lago mansion, built 70 years ago by crazy cereal heiress Marjorie Merriweather Post. Over the years, Ms. Post's party schedule had placed the estate smack dab middle in the center of Palm Beach social circles. By the time she died in 1973, it was a local institution.


Mr. Trump arrived well-known, though not necessarily well thought of. He brought with him a reputation as a real-estate developer accustomed to battling local residents. In the early 1990s, Drumpf found himself stuck in a costly divorce just as the real-estate markets began to slide. He talked shit openly about the $3 million a year in maintenance costs that the estate was costing him. He proposed subdividing the 17-acre property into smaller lots for residential development. Hummmmmmm………That set the stage for Drumpf’s first big battle with the Palm Beach leaders. The town, which years earlier had approved a subdivision proposal for the site from another developer, rejected Mr. Trump's plan, setting the stage for him to sue for $50 million. He dropped the suit when an idea emerged to turn the crib into a private club. The town council agreed to that shit, but placed restrictions on the club, such as allowing no more than 500 members. In the spring of 1995, the Mar-a-Lago Club officially opened, and is now charging $75,000 for membership, plus annual dues. 75,000……75,000……75,000

So here’s the shit: Mar-a-Lago wasn’t even a real club before Drumpf’s arrival, it was a private residence. It was a crib. Trump needed to make some cash real fast, so he tried to make it into 17 separate residential properties he could sell or lease, which the city council rejected. That’s when he decided to make it a private club with a $75,000 annual membership fee, like some of other local clubs.  Most of those clubs were segregated, his new club was not, and he used that fact as a way to cry that he was being discriminated against by the city. Whoa!!

After the council refused to lift the restrictions, Drumpf filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Palm Beach, saying that the town was discriminating against Mar-a-Lago, in part because it is open to Jews and African-Americans. The suit seeks $100 million in damages. Even the Anti-Defamation League in New York, which in a 1994 battle forced Palm Beach's Sailfish Club to open up its membership, was concerned that Drumpf was using the charge of anti-Semitism for his own monied ends. The league's national director, Abraham Foxman, met with Drumpf soon after to let out his concerns. According to Mr. Foxman, Drumpf agreed to modify his claims to allege only that the town council has treated Mar-a-Lago unfairly, compared with other clubs in town.

So just to set the motherfuckin record straight: He was in fact trying to get a better deal out of the Palm Beach City Council for his club, not doing anyone else a favor. However since then, generally speaking, he really hasn’t done anything else for us Black people. Not really. Not at all! But now he says he’s our only hope. Now he says only he can make things better for us. And he starts out by saying things have never been worse for us, “ever ever ever.” Do you understand why that’s not a comforting appeal? If not, I’ll let Don Lemon explain it for me. Thoughts?

Friday, March 4


 The Rent a Negro placement agency will start gettin a helluva lotta calls from the Trump campaign starting today! They will no doubt need some Negro faces for the ample camera shots that will focus on the campaign as he starts to give all of his victory speeches. If the Rent a Negro agency depended on Hillary or Bernie they would fuckin go broke, because Negroes are going to show up at their rallies free of charge. Trump still can't convince me, or most of us with a brain that he is not a poisonous racist…. or at least trying to play to em….so the perfect Negro placement will be particularly important for his ass. This is the dude who had the Secret Service kick out approximately 30 Black kids from a campaign rally before it even started, is just proof that Trump is a racist. And by the way, the Secret Service is for the protection of the principle, not for ruffing up the coloreds. As I watched Super Tuesday returns on television, and the Trump strategy to clean up with the racist good ole boys and gals seemed to work.  The networks called Georgia and some other Southern states real fuckin early, so if you people in America with a conscience thought that Trump letting his Klan flag fly would hurt him, you are very wrong. Hillary's Black wall strategy seems to be working as well. Those Southern Negroes are coming out for her big time. (Memo to Bernie: You can't campaign with Niggas such as Cornel West and expect to beat Hillary among Black folks. In case you didn't notice, those folks hate Obama almost as much as Republicans do, and sadly for them, Black folks still love President Obama.) Bernie should have paid me for my advice. I could have saved him a lot of wasted resources.