Sunday, March 24

I’m Still Pickin Cotton, and I Have Some Jewish Friends with Me!!

One of the beautiful things about hosting a blog site is that you can respond to very thought provoking and sincere questions with an entire post.
Quite a few of you were taken by surprise and somewhat upset with my stance on Israel and the Jewish people. And given the unfortunate events taking place in the Middle East right now, I can honestly say that I understand where some of you are coming from.
But as sorry as I am for the innocent victims on the Palestinian side, I’m just as sorry for the countless Israelis who have been killed by suicide bombers and other despicable acts of terror over the course of that country's history.
So why do I defend Israel? Wow, where do I begin?

First, a little history lesson: Many of you are under the false assumption that the Israelis took away the Palestinian homeland and are now occupiers in a land that they have no claim to. (Kind of like us folks in America and what the white folks did to the Natives, I guess) But you would be incorrect. See, there was never a country called Palestine. Jews came from Judea not Palestine. There is no Palestinian language, no Palestinian culture distinct from other Arabs, and there has never been a land governed by Palestinians known as Palestine. NEVER!
Jerusalem has never been the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity. I’m not religious but I’ll play along, because I know that most of you are. King David established Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and Muhammad never visited Jerusalem even once. Not once!! Jerusalem was under Turkish rule from 1517-1917, and under British rule from 1917 until 1948. Intense Jewish prejudice caused many Jews to flee Arab countries and most Jews in Israel today are of Arab, not European decent. Hum?
Jews purchased that land from Arab landlords, and there was an Orthodox Jewish community living in Palestine long before the rise of Adolph Hitler in Germany forced many Jews to flee like hell from Europe and settle in Israel.
Now I ask you, what were the Jews supposed to do? Our beloved America had turned many of them away after they tried to flee the tyranny of the evil one. So Jews established their own homeland. A homeland, by the way, which they have had to defend in four wars against Arab aggression. A homeland which is the only one they can call their own, (the Arab world has over 20), and a homeland which they have managed to do a pretty good job of keeping their own citizens happy in.
Oh come on Angry Black Man, what about the poor Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank? Don't they live under Israeli Occupation? You mean the Palestinians who can't get their own shit together? The ones who fight among themselves for control and power as much as they fight the Jews? You talkin about those Palestinians? Let me see now; Fatah rules the West Bank, while Hamas rules Gaza. Nice….. A "Two State Solution"? Try a three state solution; because I guarantee you that no matter what, those groups are going to be fighting among themselves for power.
But the Jews are easy targets. Why isn't anyone blaming the other Arab states for leaving thousands of Palestinian refugees hanging after the 1948 Arab Israeli conflict? Why don't we point our trembling indignant ass fingers at that scum, King Abdullah of Jordan, for betraying the other Arab nations? Why aren't we outraged at that thief, Yasar Arafat, who stole millions from the Palestinian people? Because it's easier to blame the Jews? Why don't we blame the British for making three different promises with despicable intentions in mind with their infamous "Balfour Declaration" after World War I?
So why am I defending the Jews? Because they stood by my side when the chips were down. Hell, some of them hung by my side. Because they helped to start organizations like the Urban League, and the NAACP. Because of stories I hear about Ida Wells in Memphis, Tennessee when Blacks organized a militia called the Tennessee Rifles to defend themselves, and it was a Jewish shopkeeper who risked his life to get them those rifles.
Because I have mad love for Haile Selassie (Save the Rasta jokes) and when that tyrant, Colonel Mengistu Mariam, overthrew him and started persecuting the Beta Israel people in Ethiopia, it was the Israelis who took them in. (Yes, there are actually Jews from Africa.) Maybe I got tired of seeing Jews trying to just live their lives, only to have their heads cut off on the Internet to make a fucking point. Maybe I like the fact that it's a Jew who started the Southern Poverty Law Center which tracks racist groups in this country and is one of the best run organizations in America. Maybe I like the fact that they don't proselytize to me about their faith like some people.
I know that Jessie and the rest of Rev. Inc. have made it cool to demagogue against Jews in this country. And the only thing that many Black folks and Jews have in common is love for a certain chosen one. If you’re Black and conscious, it's the hip thing to do; bash the Jews.
Remember when Professor Griff of Public Enemy told the folks in London that "if the Palestinians took up arms and went into Israel and killed all the Jews it would be cool"?
Sorry, I won't bite. The Jews are the least of my problems. To steal a line from the aforementioned Public Enemy, I won't "believe the hype".

Thursday, March 21

Republican/Tea Party/GOP "Autopsy Report"

The post-mortem of last November's elections showed the racist GOP got it's ass kicked because the party no longer reflects the values of this rapidly changing America. In the months since, we've seen the racists sorta-kinda pivot on the issue of immigration, push (really not quite ready for primetime) Cuban/Hispanic’s like Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz to the forefront, and promise to do some deep soul-searching in a quest to discover just what went wrong and how they can fix it if they want to remain relevant in this “new” America!  As an outsider/agitator, I've sorta enjoyed watching the bickering and in-fighting. It's clear the GOP knows it has a problem attracting any voters other than white men and aging Southern whites, but what's still unclear is how they plan to actually expand their brand. Earlier in the week, the RNC Chair, the interestingly weird named Reince Preibus, released the party's findings and blueprint for their return to importance.
The Republican Party ended months of supposed self-criticism with a silly wide-ranging plan to transform itself into a modern, welcoming home for a fast diversifying America. Preibus presented a 100-page blueprint designed to rebuild his struggling GOP after a four-month analysis, and he delivered a blazing assessment of the party’s problems appealing to women and minorities.  The plan called for Republicans to accept immigration reform, renovate their digital and research operation, and hold a shorter, more controlled presidential primary season.
Preibus also announced a $10 million plan to ship racist GOP operatives to Black, Latino and Asian American communities, which voted overwhelmingly to re-elect President Obama. But even many Rednecks who praised the proposal said it was only a limited response to their problems, which include policy positionsm that turn away minority groups. The RNC’s road map comes after last weekend’s Conservative Political Action Conference, the biggest annual gathering of kooks, racists, and conservative activists, which brought new attention to the differing ideas gushing through the Republican Party.
If you're into really boring, really pointless reads, you should give this 100 page "report" a gander. It's as exciting as a Charlotte Bobcats game, and unfortunately will take you about twice as long to finish. I made it to page 15 before it was obvious that the GOP still ain’t got a fuckin clue how to relate to Black folks. In fact, I'm not sure they even want to. Of for that matter, should. I mean, we've seen firsthand what it looks like when the Rednecks try to discuss their own race related issues. That shit wasn’t pretty.
Let's face it: The Demo’s don’t have another Barack Obama in the queue. If Hilary runs in 2016 (and after this, I'm pretty sure she is), she'll have a pretty good chance of winning, because there doesn't appear to be another Democrat with such magnetism anywhere in the party's minor leagues. 
The right-wing has shown that by gerrymandering enough Congressional districts, it can retain power in Congress. The party is also running the governor's mansion in 30 states. And all jokes aside, the party would probably be in charge of the Senate if they hadn’t elected a handful of idiots/kooks/blathering idiots for seats in 2010 and 2012. A bit more discretion and the GOP would likely be firmly in charge of everything but the White House right now. Call me silly, but that's not exactly cause for alarm. 
If Clinton doesn't run in 2016, who are the Democrats gonna trot out? Chris Van Hollen? Joe “Budden” Biden? Martin O'Malley? Forgive me while I go take a nap. I'd probably vote for Chris Christie over that trio of losers, if only for utter entertainment purposes.
 If I'm the GOP, I'd say to hell with all this outreach shit and double down on obstruction and resentment! It's not like that formula hasn't been wildly successful to date. And with Obama Care, elderly white seniors will live (and vote) even longer. If it ain't totally broke, don't fix it. Fuck an autopsy. 
 I will, however, say this: if the GOP wants to spend some of that $10M outreach money, I can darn sure help them motherfuckers. PayPal is color-blind.

Wednesday, March 20

Politics, White Folks, Drugs, and Fools

Shout out to all the hypocritical Negroes who complain about BET being an embarrassment to Black America, but still look at it 24/7. Also, bonus shout out to the fellas who dial those sex lines featuring white chicks advertised on BET. Yep, diversity is a good thing son!!
But check this, since my old man said, "dumb niggers are dangerous", I’m gonna take his advice, so for this post I’m gonna change the skin color of my target audience. Are you kidding me, although a few Black women (and men) could fit these shoes, I’m not ready for another ass kicking. So today, it’s White Folks, Politics, Drugs and Zip Damn Fools, because they all have something in common. Hum, you say?
Let me start by saying I’m leery of white people, okay. Now don’t take that wrong. Hell, I have one white friend, and I’m not a racist by any stretch of imagination. Wait, does that have the same feeling/flavor/sting as a white person saying "I have Black friends’? Well, all the King’s horses and all the King’s men couldn’t put Humpty back together again. Yeah, figure out how that relates to anything I’ve said. Nevertheless, I’m gonna say it, I have a white friend!!
But listen, I hate white people. Yup, I said it. I really hate em. They’re ugly, stupid and obnoxious. And they’re a bunch of narrow minded privileged bigots. I see white people as a scourge that needs to be eliminated from the world. You’re sitting there thinking "damn this motherfucker is crazy", ain’t you? Well, therein lays the problem…..because you know what? Most of my opinions are really on point and need to be said. Only problem is, coming from my mouth they tend to lose legitimacy. I’m a Black man, but hold that thought.
Okay, white folks are now on the floor, so let me drag out drugs, politics and a few fools.
Well, I have to raise my hand for a friend. She was a heroin addict for over twenty five years. Since the age of 25, she loved the comfort heroin gave her, however, back then, if you would have asked her if she was an addict, she would have told you hell no. How could she be an addict? She had a college degree, a high five figure job, a family and a nice home. That’s certainly not the stereotypical image of an addict. Yet, every day of her life, some years ago, she was flying high in the sky, flying high without ever leavin’ the ground. She went to the places where danger awaited her and it was bound to forsake her, but she was so stupid minded. She couldn’t help it, she was stupid minded, and she’d go crazy when she couldn’t find it. In the mornings she’d be alright, but soon the night brought all the pains, the pain, oh the pain! Yet she’d go to the places where the good feelin’ awaited her, self-destruction was in her hands, Oh Lord, so stupid minded. She was hooked to that boy who makes slaves out of men and she’d go crazy when she couldn’t find it. Believe me, she was flying high without ever leaving the ground, and she didn’t see nothin but trouble! She had to cry out, "help me somebody".
Damn, yawl gonna have me crying up in here thinking about her bad days. And check this; many of you may have noticed that many of those words were from Marvin Gaye’s song "Flying High". Many of those words were his, and I cried while writing them, because she fought those exact same demons. And, Marvin didn’t win his battle.
Okay, this pie is about ready to put in the fiery oven. We have white folks, drugs and a fool, so now we need a cup of politics, and then it’s patty cake patty cake, baker man, I’m gonna spank this thang with a very heavy hand.
As political debates go, the lines of opposition are usually drawn deep in the sand. Each side digs in, gets very entrenched in their positions, and then, nobody budges. And again, my old man told me not to be anybody’s fool and don’t play another man’s game, so taking his advice, I generally don’t get too involved in the tick-tack-patty-wack of local politics. But sometimes I’ll listen on the sidelines and add a little commentary on the ongoing affairs. So, in short, I don’t do local politics, I do people. But birds of a feather flock together and why do fools fall in love? Huh?

Remember when I said I have a white friend? Well, over the last year, over at my blog "Angry Black Man" I had been noticing the comments of this one white dude, they were quite different than most political debaters. His had a ring of openness and honesty that I’ve seldom seen in most political discussions. It was obvious to me that the man had a wealth of wisdom, and an education. I asked myself, "Who is this white dude that’s not afraid to call a spade a spade, and bigoted dumb white folks… bigoted, racist ass dumb white folks?" Now you know, and he must obviously know, that his penchant for holding up a mirror to some of our evil white brothers could get a white man barred from the shores of America. But Homer is not alone.
Remember my paragraph that opened with "But Listen, I hate white people"? Well, actually, those ain’t my words; they belong to Joanna, who just happens to be a white woman. Damn, she was throwin blows on white folks, and her skin is like soft fallen snow. Wait, I don’t know if she’s soft, but I know she’s white. She seems to have acquired the honesty and lack of fear to speak about the evil ways of some white folks.
Joanna asked if I’d consider doing a guest post on "racism" or "drug addiction". See, about a year ago she dropped by my blog and witnessed some of my trials and tribulations; many of which concerned my personal failings and the consequences of such. I even sent her a copy of one of my speaking engagements. She apparently wanted to see if I was Memorex or just talking shit. Well, here I am, she has invited me in her house.
So now I have to bring this home by first mentioning a few words of my youngest son. He has a saying: "show me a 4-10 year old jerk child, and I’ll show you an adult asshole". Now, you know what; think about that for a few seconds. Take a little time to drift back in your memory. Think about those kids in your classroom who were sleep, jacking around and were just being a damn nuisance. They usually could be found in the back two rows of the classroom, talking shit and doing nothing other than the prescribed school activities. They certainly weren’t trying to learn anything. Where are they now? Well, I’d bet my last Hennessy flavored blunt (I love weed) that they’re still jerks, on Gilligan’s Island, lost in space, in jail, an institution, or they’re dead. But listen, I’ve come to believe an apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, so the bulk of the blame doesn’t fall at their feet.
In walks the white racist, the bigot, and fools that fall in love with whomever and whatever. Now hold on tight, fasten your seat belts because I’m about to make a quick left turn. I’m going to drive by the house of a white fool. He lives at the intersection of Ignorance Avenue and Fools Road. We’ll be looking for a person that knows no sorrow. By definition he or she will be careless, callous, indifferent, and never breaks up or softens up for wrong doing. They hate knowledge and resist instruction. He or she won’t be hard to spot because again, by definition of the word fool, they despise wisdom and are closed minded. The biggest fools are deficient in judgment, sense, or understanding. They are easily deceived or duped and willingly engage in buffoonery and trifling activity. Damn, I better turn this car around, I’m wastin gas. There’s a white racist fool on every corner.
Look, we may not be who we think we are, nor want to be, but wisdom is learned by going through a storm, not by listening to popular opinions, or by living in the realm of a false self-image. My friend, by the definition of the word "addict", and by her actions, was a full blown addict. When she accepted that cold hard fact, it behooved her to take the responsibilities that would lead her out of her dark abyss. She had to admit to herself that she was a damn fool who wasn’t fooling anyone except herself. Now that was a hard pill to swallow. It wasn’t the shoes, it was her. It certainly wasn’t white folks, it was her. Her man, friends and family didn’t put drugs in her system, it was her, and she was the gatekeeper. She was the biggest fool around, but what about a time called now? That’s my motto, "What About a Time Called Now?" When in our life do we make a decision to really change? Is it when our backs are against a wall of no return? Is it when we become seriously ill with some disease that John Hopkins can’t cure? Why should we expect white folks to change? Their momma was a racist and their daddy was too, and they fell from that tree. The Tea Party, and all that flock, love flocking together. They’re obviously not looking for wisdom, and they love engaging in buffoonery and trifling activity, so why should they ever consider changing? They’re not going to be denied the basic rights afforded all Americans because of the color of their skin. And please, talking about a dark pit of lost hopes and no return, what kind of special kind of white racist would idolize that Black Bozo the Clown, Clarence Thomas?
Damn… drugs, white folks, fools and politics……… there’s a distinct connection. Some white folks exhibit the exact characteristics of a pimp or die, stomp down drug addict. Just like drug addicts and alcoholics, they love what they do, and they have no apparent reason to change. They would cut off their nose in spite of their face, and sell their wife’s poontang before they’d give a Black man an even playing field. All their friends are doing "it", so those birds are going to flock together. When they drink their hate and racist juice, it makes them feel powerful and in control, and to a large degree they are, so why should they change?
This is not an indictment of all white people. It’s an observation of the evil intrinsic nature of all humans. We all can be duped and led astray. Hey, as I said, I have a white friend.
Damn it, I was supposed to write a post on racism or addictions. You know, like drug and alcohol abuse and related treatments, but I got side tracked. Well, maybe not side-tracked, but I don’t know how much truth a person can handle in one day. See, Joanne has a link on her blog, one of those paid links "Drug Abuse Centers". Well, I have to say this too….. Treatment centers are one of the biggest pimp games in town. They’re a dismal failure. Hey, I’m talking about something I know about. My friend found herself in one the most respected treatment centers in the world. Oh yeah, and look…..the average numbers of "treatments" before a person gets a tiny whiff of a sustained recovery is 4.5 times, in and out those doors. It’s called "treatment", not a cure.
If you keep going back for treatment, somebody keeps gettin paid. Now hold up, the average cost is thirty to fifty thousand dollars! And guess who owns and runs those facilities… white folks! Oh yeah, there’s a whole lot of pimpin going on, and unfortunately they’re the only game in town. But I didn’t have time to tell you all the maddening news. But maybe if I’m invited back into your world, we can get down to all the sickening details. Recovery is possible but the overwhelming majority of people, who find themselves battling a substance abuse problem, never make it to the other side. Don’t look now but the numbers are less than two percent. That’s a cold hard fact, and I’d like to tell you why that’s true.

Wednesday, March 13

How the Sugar Sweet Rap Beats of Today Hijacked our Music, Arts, and Culture!!

Music……..It’s that unifying thing that bonds folks together who don’t even know each other, but because of the mutual love in our souls for that particular song, certified strangers are in actuality friends who have not yet met each other. Hum? Ain’t that a beautiful thing?
The interesting thing about this phenomenon is that the very same song can mean so many different things to so many different people. That’s another amazing thought. It goes even deeper than that… is a very powerful instrument that can motivate an individual or an entire people who share the same culture, to do exceptional things. Really exceptional things!

Music has a special way of touching your soul in places that no person can touch, because that song can literally take you back to that place you were when that song was popular. It can remind you of that person you haven’t seen for decades. It can make you feel emotions that you thought were long gone and banished, but are now just as fresh as when you lived through it all because of a song.
Time doesn’t minimize the emotions that flood every fiber of your being once that song stirs up what was so hidden deep down in the inner recesses of your soul. The Black community today doesn’t really have that connectedness to each other, and one of the reasons are because our entire culture has been hijacked by the corporate interests, as a new culture has been created for us to absorb with deadly results. We see it every day around us, but the change has been so gradual that we in essence have become that live frog slowly cooking in the pot of water on the stove that is coming to a slow boil without even realizing that he will soon become a meal.

This is not the world that I grew up in, and the music that I was immersed in from back in the day is what I utilize to escape this madness! No, I’m not in denial of the work that must be done in our communities, but in order to maintain my motivation to make a difference in my community, I must go “back” to when my world practiced a bit more of the ideals that I think are lacking so much today. I do this through deep meditation and absorbing the music from those great days.
Art, music, literary works, film, and all things creative are needed so much, and are the lifeline and precursor strength and unity for all Black communities. Once tampered with, it can yield disastrous results to say the least. Isn’t it evident in the present day as we see a stark difference from when we grew up?

I will be turning 58 in August 2013. This places me in a very unique position as are so many others who are aware and conscious in this age group to be able to see how far off of the mark we have gone, and how important it is for us to bring back those quality thought provoking creations through the arts that speak truth to power.
I, in my own small way have committed myself to doing just that, as I challenge all artists, musicians, spoken word artists, playwrights, actors, and comedians to step up the message in your work while still maintaining your sense of individuality. This is important, because we as creative thinkers have more power to affect the community around us than we actually give ourselves credit for.

 The so called “powers that be” may be able to control the thinking of the masses through their powerful media outlets, but singular artists who have banded together to bring a bold awareness to the people cannot be stopped as long as we remain uncompromised and unable to be sold out for a few dollars.
 Understand that it is those of us who have the great talents that are most likely to be the people who are more of a threat to the oppressors of this world at this time and all throughout history. It is those who think outside of the box and see beyond the veil that has been pulled down over the eyes of the masses that will eventually see the light because of the collective work that we do as artists.

 I’ve said it before on several other articles that I’ve written and I will briefly touch on it again to clarify my point. The downtrodden oppressed communities are the places where creativity will always be produced on a higher level because of the limitations of the amenities of the rich. We don’t have certain things in our poor communities, so what do we do? We go out and find a way to create something of a similar functionality. We find a way to get it!
 When you see graffiti on walls in the hood, that’s really an example of the frustrations and passion coming out in an uncensored fashion. It’s a way of expressing feelings, and it’s also a way of escaping the pain of living a life that is surrounded by hopelessness and hurt. We find a way to get around the reality of living in the box.  Also, it is those people who are the creative types that are the first to sound the drums for revolution and change.

So in order to continue to execute their deadly grip on the lives to which they suck the blood from like the leeches they are, the white man must find a way to discourage those downtrodden to not even consider developing their creative sides and forging forward. The money will be good because this is what they will use to hold you down, and after a time the revolutionary spirit from within will be diminished out of the fear of losing the few amenities that your oppressor has afforded you! Hum?
The white overseer knows that to banish those who beat the drums of revolution through their unique brand of creativity will leave a people without a common drumbeat to step in unison in their battle march. Without a unifying culture through music and the arts, we will be a people divided, hearing multiple confusing commands through a fraudulent culture created for our demise by our enemy.

This is a very serious thing, and because the beats sound good on these trashy ass songs, we suck it up without a second thought! But haven’t you heard of the term “sugar in the medicine?” Well in the case of our stolen hijacked culture it’s a case of sugar in the poison!
So if we have to reminisce and go back to a time when our creations were pure then so be it! If we have to rock some Marvin Gaye that raised our awareness in an ever changing world or play The Supremes so that our young girls can see what esteem building music sounds and feels like, then so be it also!

We can’t afford to go on this downward spiral anymore, and we’ve got to do what we’ve got to do to stop it! The negative momentum has been proceeding without resistance, so it will take a concerted focused effort in order for us to bring it to a dead halt! Let’s bring our true culture back and enjoy the benefits that come from it – the love, the brother/sisterhood and the collective sense of community!!!

Friday, March 1

My Father and Emmett Till

My old man enjoyed telling stories. Some educational… some fictional... some heartfelt…some exaggeration. Some too damn everything to actually be true.  Most of these stories, though, are now etched in my consciousness to the point that I can start, pause, exaggerate, and finish them as well as he used to. Maybe he was just a master storyteller. Maybe I just heard each of them too many times. Either way, they became such a part of our love/hate relationship that it feels like they’re my stories now too.
Some of these stories are a bit more memorable than the others, though, and one of these involve the first time he became aware of Emmett Till. He was thirty-five years old when the famous Jet Magazine featuring Emmett Till’s gruesomely disfigured face hit the newsstands. It was at that moment that the civil rights struggle became real to him. That’s what he told me. Sure, he was aware of how volatile things were becoming in the South. And, although Gary, Indiana wasn’t Money, Mississippi, he’d already experienced racism. No fire hoses and lynching’s, but racism still.
But, for a Black man, seeing stuff on an old black and white TV, or hearing your friends talk about it doesn’t compare to the visceral impact of seeing an image like that in person. In his mind, if something like this could happen to a Black kid, it could happen to him too. My old man wasn’t the only one who had that reaction when seeing Emmett Till’s picture.

For many folks—white and Black, who weren’t on the front lines, the fight for equal rights was real, but still somewhat mental battle. The circulation of that picture served as one of the many “Wake up!” flashes that occurred in that decade, an instant that shocked Black people into action.
I thought of this Tuesday while reading a few of the articles published this week marking the one year anniversary of Trayvon Martin’s murder. I’m sure we all remember how his death electrified the Black nation. I seriously can’t remember another time in my 58 years where so many folks were so visibly united against injustice. We marched and cried. We organized and demanded. We rocked hoodies. And, despite what some people seem to think now; this action did manage to achieve the immediate goal. A year ago, George Zimmerman was a free man. Right now, he’s awaiting trial for murder, and I don’t think for one minute this would have happened without the motherfucking ruckus we caused.

But, while Martin’s death had distinctive circumstances, it was a part of a much bigger picture…..gun violence in our communities…that still remains epidemic. Yea, violent crime has been on a decade-long decline pretty much everywhere…even Chicago, but saying 600 murders a year is better than 900 is like saying AIDS is better than Ebola!!
 We’ve collectively tried everything from severe gun control laws to support groups involving ex-gang-bangers to reduce this tide, and nothing seems to really help. Well, we’ve tried almost everything.  I still read 4 newspapers a day at least four or five times a week. (Yeah, it’s easier to read the paper online, but there’s something about reading, holding, and folding that still draws me to it) Often, I read about the murders in our community. Sometimes, people I personally know will be involved in the murder in some way. More times than not, though, I have no connection to the murder victim. They’re nothing more than a name, age, and location. And, while the news will sadden me, I usually forget all about it by the time I get to the sports. I doubt I’m the only one who goes through a similar process.

 But, what if the paper and every other magazine, show, program, periodical, and website reporting on the news started running pictures of the dead along with the stories? Not the prom and Facebook profile pictures that’ll sometimes be used when the story airs on the news, but the pics of how they look right now. Dead!! The crime scene photos!! CSI type pictures! The bloodied, bullet-riddled bodies!! The shotgun-shelled corpses left with half of a head. The seven year olds with holes where their hearts used to be!! The faces with lifeless eyes still open, forever staring until a family member or sympathetic detective closes them. The rotten, unrecognizable blobs lying in woods or underneath houses, found only because it’s getting warm outside and they’re starting to stink. I doubt they’d be as forgettable. I doubt we’d be able to turn the page as easily, to let them escape our minds as we read box scores or play a damn Facebook game. I doubt we’d be as willing to say and continue doing nothing. It worked for my old man. I wonder if it would work for us too.