Monday, November 14


According to exit poll numbers, 13% of the Black men who voted in the Presidential election voted for Donald Trump.

Yeah, I know.

This even surpasses the number of Black male voters who went for both McCain and Romney

I know that too.

Can you explain how that happened? Why would 13% of Black men vote for this man?

Because some niggas are really stupid.

Really? Some niggas are stupid? That’s your explanation?

Yea. There’s really no need for me to expound. 13% of niggas just don’t have the good sense God and Isaac Hayes gave them.

Does this surprise you at all?

That 13% of Black men voted for a man who openly engages and cultivates racists like they’re grass-fed chickens? Yea. But, that 13% of niggas are dumb enough to do that? Nope.

Why not?

Because, generally speaking, 13% of niggas are dumb. If you grabbed a random sampling of 10 niggas, between 1 and 1.3 of them are going to prone to prolonged bouts of dumbassshitness. It’s a science.
Now, I’m aware the 13% of niggas being dumber than a misspelled stop sign sounds brutal. But for comparison’s sake, 21% of men generally are dumb. So there are actually less dumb as the fuck Black men than dumb as the fuck men in general.

Interesting! Why do you think this is?

Niggas just can’t afford to be dumb, which is something we all know, so it’s usually beaten out by tree branches out of love at a young age. Grown-ass dumb-ass Black men end up on World Star or named “Tyga.” Grown-ass dumb-ass White men end up in the fuckin White House!!
So if you happen to meet a grown-ass dumb-ass nigga, know that his stupidity is intentional. Premeditated and calculated. That he’s had decade’s worth of grandmas and teachers and coaches and homies and barbers and lovers desperately trying to iron some sense into his natural Black ass… some even willing to sacrifice their own asses for his… but he was so set on being a dumb motherfucker that it didn’t matter. Know that this nigga tried his damn hardest to be dumb; he studied stupidity; he gave more effort, more blood, sweat, and tears into intellectual fuckshitlery than anything else.
Be afraid of that nigga. Be very afraid.

This is quite fascinating. So, if you don’t mind me asking, how does a grown-ass Black man end up being so damn stupid?

There are myriad possible causes. Some are so obsessed with being close to whiteness… being loved and accepted by white people or constructing himself in the white man’s image (or both) — that it fries their brain cells; effectively turning them into a crumpled pair of white-boy Wrangler jeans. Some are hamstrung by patriarchy, where misogyny is so deeply embedded in their sorry ass psyches that they’re not even aware it’s there. Some treat Christianity like a bottomless Golden Corral buffet; deciding to choose which parts of the Bible they’ll follow and which ones they’ll ignore. Some order all of their reading material from the ads in the back of Smooth Magazine. And some just got really caught up in Pre-Paid Legal in the late 90s.
Add each of these populations together (and control for the overlap) and you have 10 to 13% of niggas.

Thank you for the explanation!

You’re welcome! Any time!

Thursday, November 10


More than 50 years has passed…..the Montgomery Bus Boycott, Selma, Bull Conner, water hoses, dogs, lynching’s………..get my point? The start of the modern civil rights era……..all that.
BUT………………it’s now the time for real leadership. Old familiar faces in the same places………’s time to GO! Reverends Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton….gotta go. Cornel West, Michael Eric Dyson, Melissa Harris Perry, Henry Louis Gates, the Black Lives Matter girls….gotta go. John Conyers, John Lewis…….outa here. Get my point?
NOW……….When Donald Trump asked us Black people, “What have you got to lose?” his words were met with contempt from us. But in reality he posed a good ass question. What do we have to show for years of Democratic votes? Obama bailed out the banks, insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, and even Ukraine. But he didn’t rebuild Detroit or New Orleans, bring jobs to the “inner city”, stand up to police killings, and fight back like a brother. The water in Flint, Michigan is still poisoned and the prisons are still full of Black folk. And the band played on…………..
YES……. Republicans have been the white people’s party for nearly 50 years. Trump just made it more obvious. He didn’t tell us anything we didn’t already fuckin know. Shit….we don’t have to be the losers in this election. We need to remember what we’ve achieved in our history. Half of Black folks didn’t even have the right to vote in the 1960s yet we made earth shattering progress in a short time. But we must understand the source of that progress. It came from struggle and a daring to create the crises that always bring about change. (Real time)
BUT……..Those Black folks that didn’t give a damn about voting shouldn’t be blamed either. They must have had a personal introspection that is meaningful and political, or they just didn’t give a damn. Their lack of enthusiasm speaks to the Democratic Party and Black mis-leadership incompetence. We gotta stop the personal blame and help one another in this process as we fight for justice and peace.
WE ARE…………The new face of our movement will be Facebook, Twitter, and over 150 Black blogs like mine, all united in an internet alliance. All of the past must be reconciled and put away for future generations. We will hold Donald J. Trump to account for any lies that he tells and any attempts to quiet us. (Attempts are already being made) We will push back on his appeals to white identity politics that are dividing us daily. We will continue to call out the bullies, bigots, and racist hypocrites. The policies Trump has proposed represent a challenge to our civic fabric, liberal values, and world order. And that is the challenge that WE Bloggers will have to confront unflinchingly in our duty to remain active and engaged while speaking our conscience. We will not shimmy, shake, or suck up to those in power. We will remain steadfast in our belief that the difference between patriotism and nationalism is at the heart of Black exceptionalism.
REALLY………I was honestly going to stop writing and blogging if Hillary Clinton won. The passion for making my thoughts known every night was really getting to me, but Führer Trump Cheeto winning Tuesday and becoming our 45th President made me realize that I have to stick around just a little longer.
After all, typing at times might be just as good as fighting.ter all, typing at times might be just as good as fighting.