Wednesday, July 6


The Republicans’ major goal is to do away with any funding to any and all government programs that do not support military spending or enrich the corporations and wealthy individuals. They have worked on this grand plan for decades and, ironically, now, with a weak Democratic president, are closer than ever to seeing their dream realized. Simply silly Democrats, like Charles Schumer and Joseph Lieberman are starting to agree with Republicans that Medicare and Medicaid are now on the table and may be sacrificed in order to meet Republican demands for budget cuts. The end result of Barack Obama’s photo opportunity golf game with Republican House Leader John Boehner is that Boehner wins and the poor people lose again! Neither Obama nor any other Democratic leaders are willing to stand up for what used to be the basic principles of their party. Democrats once knew with certainty that our safety net was protected by our own, and only threatened by the racist Republicans. Now we see that it is under threat from everybody, with no one in the political system willing to take a stand and fight for us, especially the elected, uncle-tommin, house niggers we got now. The 2012 political campaign has started. Our President Obama is raising millions of dollars for his campaign, and lazy scared ass congressional Democrats are doing the same for themselves. They say that the extra money from fund raising and other support for Democrats’ is to stop Republican control, but there is no reason to remain loyal to them when they have no loyalty to anyone except the money men from Wall Street and heavy hitter fundraisers. I think at this time in our history, our fear of Republican control of the White House and Congress are overblown. It is Barack Obama who appointed conservative former senator Alan Simpson to his deficit reduction commission. It was a democratically elected congress who joined with Republicans to defund and destroy ACORN. It is Democrats who have launched another war based upon lies, this time against Libya. Democrats’ automatic rejection of the Republican agenda is clearly becoming a basic lesson in bullshit reality. When they should be paying attention to their own party, they instead focus on crazy shout-outs from Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, and ultra racist Rush Limbaugh, none of whom are responsible for Democrats who go against the interests of the Democratic Party. It doesn’t matter if they make crazy, outrageous racists statements about Obama or the other lazy Democrats. Palin, Limbaugh and the other right wingers used to keep Democrats in an insane state of panic, out of power and unable to do away with or cut Medicare. Medicare and Medicaid are in danger, and they are in danger because our President, all hopey and changey, and the rest of the Democrats have bowed down to Republican attacks on them. While we Democrats were always known for our willingness to use the federal government to create and enhance programs which benefited working people, we protected and expanded the modern welfare state as it exists in this country. President Johnson was responsible for the escalation of the war in Vietnam, but he also was responsible for the very existence of the programs which Democrats are now ready to do away with! Johnson was attacked because he waged an unpopular, aggressive and immoral war, but at the same time he was credited with responding to our Black movement demands and eliminating poverty for millions of our people. Not only is Obama keeping us in a continual state of war, but at the first sign of Republican resistance, he is willing to throw what used to be the foundation of the Democratic Party under the wheels of a bus. It is so sad; most Democrats are fixated on Michelle Bachmann’s weird ass misstatements about history or Sarah Palin’s new dress, and bigoted remarks about Michelle Obama. At the same time they give Obama and the Democrats a pass for stabbing them in the back. It is time to call out those in power, the Democrats, to account for their actions. That will mean ignoring the people (FOX) who have been keeping us in a constant state of fear. If Medicare is cut by Democrats, the bizarre shit of the right wing will not be the issues we should spend time thinking about. I’m Phillip Norton and I’m out!!!

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