Tuesday, February 19

What If the Carnival Triumph Cruise Ship Was A Slave Ship?

While I’m overjoyed as hell that the passengers on the long-suffering Carnival Triumph finally touched down from the Gulf of Mexico, off of a ship that had them drifting out at sea without some of the most basic shit that would have enabled them to enjoy their trip, I couldn’t help but look a lil deeper into this situation as it revealed to me so much about ourselves as a culture. Hum?
Hell, nobody should have to go through hell like that especially when they’re on a nice lil adulterous vacation, but when you look at life on the wider scope, was this inconvenience all that motherfuckin bad.
Now granted, I can really understand how terrifying it must have been to the children, and I’m not speaking about them or the elderly as I share my carefully constructed words.
But while uncertainty can surly play tricks on your mind, could it be that the reality show that we witnessed, or rather had shoved down our damn throats, was just another attention tactic of CNN and other media to drive their ratings up for profit purposes? Hum, again?
Listen, this wasn’t the motherfuckin “Poseidon Adventure” or the sinking of the “Titanic”!!
Come on now folks, I’m sure there were many, many other relevant stories that could have been covered as big as this fuckin planet is. This is why I watch the news outlets and programs through a purified lens, because what may be important to me may not be of any relevance to you.
That being said, have we as a people become so spoiled that when some unexpected shit happens, we become so bent out of shape when we don’t have certain amenities that have made us so soft and actually lazy?
This was the case!
Not to be cruel but I couldn’t help but think about what it might have been like to be on a Slave Ship coming all the way over from West Africa chained up to other sick and ailing folk laying in shit and piss for weeks, and having more shit tossed at them in the dark as food!
Yet the mere fuckin smell of piss was unbearable for those few days for the Carnival Triumph passengers! Now I’m not saying that the Carnival Triumph passengers should’ve been made to experience any discomfort because of what those stolen Africans went through when they were first placed in captivity.
But tough the fuck up people….because we will be placed in many uncomfortable situations in this life that won’t be pleasant!
As advanced as we have become with our gadgets and all that shit, and our knowledge of how to live more efficiently because of it, we have abandoned our ability to remain strong mentally and physically, and utilizing those facets of our life have all but evaporated. We as human beings were created in a very special way, and we must always address and maintain the mental, physical, and spiritual aspects of our existence. To live out of balance can happen for a time but to continue to be out of balance guarantees a certain doom as we have become our own worst enemy. Angry Man out!!

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