Tuesday, May 20

CHILD SUPPORT...the long and winding road!!

No matter where I’m at or whomever I speak to, when I bring up the subject of ........child support, this always leads to some hot ass conversation no matter how calm we address the shit! If you speak with fifty people about this emotional and very personal subject, you will probably get fifty genuine responses where each person feels theirs is right. In addition, if truth were told, they’re all probably right according to their personal situation and bad experiences. Hum ya say!
This is what makes this subject that has raged across the beauty shops, barbershops, and bootlegs all around the country, flaming hot! Everyone should agree that our children need to be supported on so many levels; money has to be there as the oil in the engine of their lives.
The real problems come when some State employee must decide how much money is sufficient to provide for our children’s upbringing and basic care. You see….since everybody’s financial situation is completely different, all of these factors will definitely influence everybody involved… money agreements and lines in the sand will be drawn. Not only is this shit very complicated, but also it’s some very emotional stuff to say the least. Perceptions have a lot to do with how much heat is presented into the legal proceedings.
 I’m gonna play around with a few possible scenarios to let you get an idea of how deep this shit can go as if you really don’t know!
Let me first state that all of our children are innocent no matter what situation brought them into this world, and by no means am I saying that one child is to be favored over the other! I am merely trying to paint a picture of the hidden agendas and viciousness that happens in the name of getting a decent amount of money to give that child a fair shot at a good life. Whew! Now that I got that shit off my chest, I’m gonna get down to the nitty- fuckin -gritty…
you have some mothers who rant and rave non-stop about how their baby daddy is a no good, sorry ass motherfucker right in front of the children. The very same children that she is attempting to turn against their father.

You have some dead-beat/sorry ass dads that because of some silly hatred refuse to work because they don’t even want to pay one damn dime of child support to his children’s mother.

Now we are to the notorious ex, the same ex who can’t stand the fact that her child’s father has moved on with another woman, which most times is an upgrade for him, and is using every legal trick to punish him because of her jealousy of his new life without her.

You also have the brother who is mad as hell that his ex has moved on and will try to influence his children psychologically in order to get back at her because everybody knew he was an abusive control freak!

Then you have the hoochie mama who has now become an independent booty contractor who will bring a life into this world expecting to get paid by the government and the unwilling father who didn’t have a problem being a sperm donor who just got caught up cause he wasn’t planning on sticking around anyway! You know, it gets crazier and crazier!!

 But all the while the children are made to feel like a commodity in the hustle game, a game that their little minds just can’t understand, but they can pick up the clues and they just know something ain’t right about it. Remember, our children are not stupid! No matter what the personal internal shit of a person’s child support case, I can imagine that it’s not only painful as hell, but also damn embarrassing if the child’s parents don’t act in a dignified manner. I believe what creates a lot of the hate between former lovers is that both feel that their best years were wasted on a lot of bullshit! Being horny as hell and having a shot or two of yak can turn two people into mortal enemies after promising each other the world while deeply engaged in sex! That’s right! Sex is really a drug, and there are a lot of sex heads out here! Believe that! Trust me, everyone who is down at the child support court at each others necks used to get along quite fine! Don’t they have a child or two…….or three? We all need to take a little more time to know each other and really make sure that we are ready to start a family because at the end of the day the main one that should not have to deal with our bullshit is your child. We sometimes seem to forget this and actually compound the problems for them because when they look back on their childhood the only thing they will remember are the nasty words shouted over their heads back and forth that robbed them of their childhood. Have a little more consideration about how you communicate in front of your child! The effects can be downright devastating and set them back at having a shot at a successful life. Not that they couldn’t achieve a prosperous future regardless of the circumstances because many have overcome, but it would be so much better if they didn’t have to deal with your collective issues in the first place!

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