So if white folks are looking for the boogie-man,
seems they need to stop looking at 'Home-boy' from the 'Hood', and first start looking across town in areas where this little
rich kid Rodgers comes from, or even in their
own homes! Think about it?
This Rodgers case
is yet another example of how white male privilege allows white dudes like
him to literally commit and get away with murder! Turns out this young Rodgers joker sent
emails to his folks and posted You-Tube videos ranting and raving about his deadly intent. His folks were so concerned
that they actually called the cops on his ass. Well…they went to his crib and
interviewed him for a moment, but found him to be polite, clean-cut, and
well-mannered…..meaning good white boy. So apparently, these same cops never
got around to asking him if he had or owned any guns, and what were all of
those crazy, ranting videos about!
This sounds just like Jeffery Dahmer, who two
Black women called the cops on, explaining that a young, very injured Asian kid,
just 16, was running butt naked down the street trying to escape. So what did the white cops do when
they stumble upon Dahmer? They let him tell some bullshit story about some
imaginary lovers quarrel. Damn! But, we know what those cops would have
done, if Dahmer been Black and the running kid was white!
And they let child-killer Zimmerman buy
guns even after he kicked his ex-girlfriends ass and even assaulted a lady cop.
Damn! And then let him keep the same gun he murdered Trayvon with, which he
used just a couple of months later to threaten his ex-wife.
The powers that be apparently got a heads-up
about Virginia Tech killer Cho, even from well known Black Prof Nikky Giovanni.
But he was still able to just walk across the street from campus
and buy (2) two hi-capacity Glocks, and a shit-load of ammo! Damn, again!
And then there's the KKK racist dude that
just shot and killed (3) white Christians thinking they were Jews. Hum? This dude
was convicted in connection of an infamous murder beef in which some of the
victims were white. How in the fuck can a dude who is effectively a damn
convicted murderer of white people even, able to buy guns & ammo??! Hum
Yet too often time and again, our young Black boys can't even walk out
the damn house and down their own street to school or the grocery store without
the cops throwing them up against the wall to be stopped and frisked. I've got
my own stories of being stopped by the cops…both as a teenager and a grown ass
man, with their hands on their guns. A few times they even pulled their guns and
made me get down on my knees. Yet not once was I committing, or even about to
commit a crime. (Not that time)
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