Thursday, July 31

SUPPORT PALESTINE…..and here’s why!!

As the bloodshed continues in the Middle East, the search for a reasonable solution must come to grips with the real cause of the conflict. Most Americans believe that even if both sides are at fault, the Palestinians are unreasonable terrorists who have no point of view worth listening to. Really!

My position, however, is that the Palestinians have a real live grievance: their homeland for over a thousand years was taken, without their consent and by force, during the creation of the state of Israel. And all future crimes, by both sides are birthed from this original injustice.

This post outlines the history of Palestine to show how this process occurred and what a moral solution to the region’s problems should consist of. If you care about the people of the Middle East, Jewish and Arab, you owe it to yourself to read this account of the other side of the historical record.

The bullshit Zionist position is that they showed up in Palestine late in the19th century to repossess their ancestral homeland. Jews bought land and started building up the Jewish community there. They were met with violent opposition from the Palestinian Arabs; I assume stemming from the Arabs’ hate of Jews. The Zionists were then forced to defend themselves, and in one form or another, this same situation continues up to right now!!

The problem with this sorry ass explanation is that it’s simply not true.

What really happened was that the Zionist, from the beginning, looked forward to a practically complete removal of the native Arab population so that Israel could be a wholly Jewish state or as much as was possible. Land bought by the Jewish National Fund was held in the name of the Jewish people and could never be sold or even leased back to Arabs (this same shit continues today).

The Arab community, as it became more and more aware of the Zionists’ intentions, persistently opposed further Jewish immigration and land buying because it posed a clear and present danger to the very existence of Arab society in Palestine. Because of this opposition, the entire Zionist project never could have been realized without the military backing of the British.
A huge majority of the population of Palestine, by the way, had been Arabic since the seventh century A.D. (Over 1300 years) Hum?
In short, Zionism was based on a flawed, colonialist world view, that the rights of the native inhabitants didn’t matter one bit. The Arabs’ opposition to Zionism wasn’t really based on anti-Semitism, but on a totally reasonable fear of the removal of their people.

One further point: my Jewish friends say that my position is very critical of Zionism but is in no way anti-Semitic. Hum again? I don’t believe that the Jews acted worse than any other group might have acted in their situation. The Zionists had an understandable desire to establish a place where Jews could be masters of their own destiny, given the history of Jewish oppression. Especially as the danger to European Jewry crystallized in 1937 and after, the actions of the Zionists featured real desperation.

But so were the actions of the Arabs. The mythic land without people for a people without land was already home to 700,000 Palestinians in 1919. This is the root of the problem, as we are witnessing right now!!

Wednesday, July 16


After the decision by the United States Supreme Court a while back regarding Affirmative Action, a gazillion articles have been written for or against it. This post/article will do neither. It’s about time for the Black community to get off the merry-go-round of lies that have been peddled to us for way too many years and start working on our own rules for success and full access to the supposed American Dream!
The right-wing’s quiet debate about affirmative action is nothing but a thick smoke screen of false sounds bites and dazzling silence that has ignored the truth in order to paint a false picture for us. Affirmative Action has been the favorite whipping post of white folks for decades. It’s the beauty that continues to be defined as a damn beast. Most of the debate around affirmative action has been centered on the diversion of racial preferences.
White America is being very hypocritical to blame us when we use the racial preference card when it comes to college admissions and/or government contracts, but has vast resources directed their way every day based on race and their historical advantages.
These advantages based on race happen every day, but have roots in years past. The white folks have access to a strong network that is based on family and neighborhood ties that were built over generations where us Black folk were intentionally barred from competing in those areas is a preference based on race. Their wealth that was/is passed on from generation to generation that was gained because of slavery, segregation, and/or discrimination of Black people is a preference based on race. It does not matter one bit, that today that same discrimination is illegal as long as the fruits from the past discrimination are still ripe to help give white people an advantage. Understand?
Affirmative Action ain’t about reparations for us Black folks for past discrimination. It’s not about handing out preferences based on race (although America already does a good job against Black folks). It’s about doing away with the racial, gender, and ethnic preferences that really are the biggest part of our society today.
It’s actually about merit. Merit ain’t what your momma or what your daddy or your granddaddy did. It’s not how well a silver or bronze or gold or platinum spoon fits into your damn mouth. It is about you. What have you done on your own?  Very few people stand on their own.  Most of us stand on the shoulders of the people that came before us, so if your father’s or grandfather’s or mother’s or grandmother’s shoulders were bent outta shape due to the weight of the discrimination of their time, then you may not be able to reach as many stars as someone without that disadvantage. Understand?
When a white kid that grew up in a good to elite school system with an abundance of good food to eat, no fear at all going to and from school, has enough money to pay tutors to get ready for the SAT and ACT, has good grades and great test scores, is it nature or nurture? Hum?? The same can be asked about the Black kid that has average grades and scores but grew up in a screwed up public school system where failure is not only expected it is embraced, and yet this proud student is able to exceed all expectations. Is that nature or nurture?  Who is really more impressive? Understand?
There is a tremendous wealth and opportunity gap in America and there always will be. While the wealth gap is real and proven, the opportunity gap may not be completely proven; and the real problem is that both gaps are based on racial preferences.
The wealth gap numbers speak for themselves don’t they, and are appalling. The opportunity gap may be a lot smaller than it was during Jim Crow, but it’s still there, and it’s still there because of the lack of opportunity for Black people. Those gaps continue for a helluva lotta reasons, the least of which is the institutional racism that still exist today. But, those gaps are based on very real racial preferences, really hidden by the lies of omission (we never discuss these truths), and the false excuses given to distract us from the height of inequity built upon a discriminatory system that is essentially pure racist.
White folk believe that affirmative action is used to give undeserving and unqualified Black students admission to so-called elite universities solely based on their race, gender, or ethnicity.  Bullshit!! The funny thing is I can’t find anybody to define what is qualified or who is the most qualified. You tell me….who most deserves to get into a highly competitive, highly selective, and highly ranked state university?  Does the student with access to the most money and resources deserve to be admitted first?  Understand?
Should the admission pecking order be based on the student’s past achievements, even if those same achievements may be because of being born into a family with vast resources as it is the student’s inner drive?  Should it be based on a student’s established track record of overcoming obstacles and barriers to their success?  Should it be based on the student’s likeliness of success in college?  Should it be based on being able to provide a unique perspective of life in the pursuit of higher learning than most of the other student body?  Should it be based on all of the above? Hum?
 I just can’t find anyone willing to step up and answer those questions. Instead we’re left with white folk, elitist fiction, that only the students that have the best grades, test scores, and activities have earned the right to admission in the small number of so-called elite schools that they believe are the only warehouse of knowledge. The definition of who is qualified will always favor white people, while evading the reality that a big part of who is most qualified is flawed and biased, giving them a huge advantage. A big part of the current system of grading students for admission to college is really screwed up. It’s screwed up in large part due to the white belief in standardized tests that can’t predict success in college, but the same tests are very good at giving an advantage to white kids with resources and disadvantaging Black kids.
Surprise!  Surprise!  Surprise!
The bottom line is this. Our community has to stop accepting the lies of the past and start thinking for ourselves. We have to be clear about our own paths to success. We have to build, maintain, and reinforce our own networks to build our own wealth and power, which includes more funding and attending HBCUs.  We can no longer be slaves to the white folk’s definition of what a relevant school is or what qualified means.

Texas, Florida, Kentucky, and Michigan just love their college football and basketball teams, which are over represented by Black kids. I wonder if the coaches from those schools found as much mistrust and animosity from Black high school star athletes during the recruitment process as affirmative action has faced over the years if all of a sudden the value of diversity in the student body at these universities would start to be discussed.  Crazy idea?  Most first steps towards revolutions are. I’m out!!

Tuesday, July 8

OUR OBAMA DILEMA………..where the hell do we go from here!?!?

Angry Note: I apologize, because I realize the nature of what you're about to read is sure to irritate and piss some of yawl off, and confuse other Black folk. No, I'm not saying I would have voted for anyone else. I'm simply saying that I'm not altogether pleased with the dude I did vote for. Just trying to keep it real for the masses…

Six and a half years into this whole "Black President" thing and I'm willing to admit a whole lotta of us might have gotten it wrong. No, I'm not talking about whether voting for Obama over McCain in 2008 was the right call, nor whether voting for Obama over 47% Mitt was the right call in 2012.
What the hell I’m talkin about is the insistence of some folk in Black America that electing a Black President would make the lives of everyday Black folks better. Many of yawl thought this would magically raise achievement of Black students, magically get more Black folks to tie the knot, magically transport Black men from the trap house to Morehouse, and magically get the sistas off the pole, and turned into a new generation of Claire Huxtables. Personally, I always thought this shit was some pie in the sky, "Success by Osmosis" bullshit talk. I've expressed doubt about this repeatedly here and in my blog over the years, and many of you have expressed your mean disagreement with me. Shit still happens don’t it?
Still, I thought the election of a Black President would finally bring some real concrete benefits to my beloved Black community, but what we got was a few thousand streets named after him, and some schools renamed after him. I know yawl gettin madder by the word, but just follow me down my yellow brick road of truth……..
I believed in his promise to start "Urban Empowerment Zones" to help drive economic development in the hood, his promise to copy the "Harlem Children's Zone" model and take it to the hood to fix fucked up public schools, and his promise to make a change in crack/powder cocaine sentencing, well, he did address that. I mean, this shit was actually on his campaign website back in 2007, putting each and every dream and aspiration of our entire race onto this one man. So yeah, I expected that much, at least with that much, we would have gained some benefits explicitly for us Black folk. Was it fair of us to expect more?
 Remember when folks like Tavis Smiley and Cornell West were tryin their best to get folks to ask questions and get more involved in Obama's supposed "Black Platform" during the election?  Next thing you know, they start gettin treated like traitors to the Black race. Obama would be "America's President", not "Black America's President" after all. Everybody started callin these dudes haters for just asking the President to take us seriously, the same Black folks that went harder for him than any other. Sure, the timing and them both sometimes hatin damaged their points, but hell, in retrospect, those points were very valid.
Fast forward six and one half years, and well, what they warned us about has come true. Obama has paid very little attention to the Black community beyond the usual lip service and lecturing, then after 6 ½ long years along comes the………..‘Promise Keepers’ initiative. Yea, paradin Jay Z and Beyoncé’s ass in and out of the White House makes him seem cooler than W, but I've always been more concerned about the lack of Black folk in White House making decisions and pushing our policy. 
With just one exception of flyin into Chicago to lecture Black folks about personal responsibility (and to use them as props for gun control), O has been about as visible in the hood as Rush Limbaugh.  Sure, him, Michelle, and the kids will drop into a Black church or show up at a Black commencement speech every now and then to keep his street cred, but the topic of his speeches are always the same:
"Ya'll niggas need to stop fuckin' up so much and get like me." Hell yea, he’d help more people "get like him" if he pushed some actual laws that helped "us", but what's a fuckin minor detail like policy in the grand scheme of things?    
I just don’t understand the lack of intense concern for our Black communities….last week on the 4th of July, some outlandishly ignorant negroes opened fire all around Chicago, killin folk (including kids), the White House didn’t do shit but issue the typical "yeah, we're sorry that happened to you" press release. There was no press conference, nothin! No call to examine gun laws again. No promise to ensure children in Chi-town could go and light sparklers in the future without worrying about getting sprayed with an AK-47. No nothing, really. Seriously!

Now I know the right-wing has used all the racist tactics in the world to derail any meaningful legislation, and my disappointment in the President is not….let me repeat, not personal. But, at this point, I just feel let down. Am I wrong?