Tuesday, August 23


By Phil Norton

One of my closest friends regularly reminds me of the need to widen my perspective, and she, of course is correct. But now my laser-like focus right now is the do-nothing Congressional Black Caucus. The Jennie is out of the bottle. They have steadily narrowed the scope of Black possibilities in our communities, while getting paid. Their weapons of choice have been the bullshit smile, sarcasm and ridicule, the forgetting of facts, and their ever present love affair with the President. They are our supposed Black leaders and they have tried to empty Black politics of its truths. Their thought for the last three years is that there is no Black America, no Black agenda and no need for either. Their message to the masses of Black people in our downtrodden inner-cities is “get it together.” Theirs is the political theory of the dominated, the weak, and the clueless. The racial justice struggle among Black folk in America is at an all time low, as evidenced in their loss of memory, a lack of vision, a lack of program, and a lack of nerve. The descent is rooted in the politics of collaboration with our enemies about the tone, tenor, and scope of the struggle for racial justice. White power is playing the musical tune and far too many of the Congressional Black Caucus members are doing the dancing. The mind-blowing rise of Obama blinded, deluded, and distracted the Congressional Black Caucus and they in turn bamboozled the whole Black community. It is a song from a poet and songwriter titled “Send in the Clowns.” In one phrase he concludes, “Don’t bother. They are already here.” We now have the laughable Congressional Black Caucus “Job Fair/Town Hall” tour. “We want Obama to know that from this day forward. . . we’ve had it,” said the Dean of the Caucus, Michigan Rep. John Conyers. Note to Conyers: Negro, please. You and the Congressional Black Caucus scare nobody, especially Obama. The Congressional Black Caucus has kept its mouth shut, all but for a lil bit of quiet grumbling sprinkled in for show. You've shown over the decades that your bark is worst than your bite. All these years, and you guys don't have a third of the scare/influence factor of the Zionist. If you've had it, your asses would have went off big time during the budget political show. Obama spent his time meeting with the Teapublicans about the phony deficit crises. Where was the Congressional Black Caucus in raising hell to demand to be players in these meetings? Did you call press conferences; rally your constituents to demand hands off of Social Security, Medicare, and other social programs? Will you call out Obama on your jobs tour and provide your mainstream media retarded constituents with the real 411, or will you spend all your time blaming the right wingers for all that's wrong in DC? Shelia Jackson Lee, she never met a microphone she didn't like: Another waste of space in DC. Even those Congressional Black Caucus members who voted against Obama’s hateful bills don't deserve too many shout outs. Mr. Muslim, Keith Ellison was cheerleading for the Libyan war, er, "non-war." Did they call for protests in front of White House a la Egypt and Wisconsin? No! Some of these jokers like Conyers and Waters have been in DC longer than God and don't even have the clout to get a street light fixed, much less make the President give them the time of day. While Obama meets with Republicans to figure out a jobs program, the so-called liberal/progressive Democrats will be nowhere to be found. Just watch these punk asses next year as they join Shelia Jackson Lee in circling the wagons in support of Obama’s re-election. And what's up with Bobby Rush? I thought he used to be a Black Panther. I guess that militant shit went out of style. Like those former hippies, turned corporatist yuppies, Rush found out the grass was greener kissing "the man's" ass. I think we should just sit out this election. Don't vote for any of these losers. I'm five minutes away from suggesting a voter DE-registration campaign. I bet we could get more accomplished by letting these maggots know that they can't get shit from us without addressing our needs. We should spend the bulk of our time campaigning and create an agenda. Run it at whoever wins good cop or bad cop. I’m Phillip Norton, and I’m mad as hell

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