Sunday, November 27

Dr. Cornel West…..Subliminally Speaking?

I’ll say it again and again, and again one more time, Dr.Cornel West is right. His criticisms of Obama are not a personal indictment of the President; I think they’re actually more of a jab at a racist system. Subliminal... hum? He’s just saying what many of us feel and won’t say, or are scared to say? Michael Corleone, in the God Father, said it best, “every time I try to get out, they pull me back in.” You simply can’t fix the damn mob from the inside. Once you get in, you are sucked into their thing. There’s no way to change their thing into our thing. That simply ain’t ever gonna happen. You know what I mean? So Dr. West is just saying what a lot of us thoughtful Black folks are saying. That’s all. Shit, I try to make a difference every fuckin day, and it’s extremely hard tryin to make that difference within the totally corrupted system to which we Black folks find ourselves subjected. It’s hard out here in these dark ghettos, brothers and sisters. Our Black truths hide in the darkest corners. Simply put, once you become part of that system, you become part of the problem. See what I mean? At the least, Barack has made is blatantly obvious that there is no real change to be expected from the white folks who benefit from the status quo. Each and every member of our elected government, all of them who lie, beg, and pander for campaign money to keep their office, has re-election as their number one priority, not us Black folks. That’s the problem again. Why would they have any motivation to change a system that has elevated them to such grandeur? It’s like expecting a king to overthrow his own people. I cannot understand why more of us Black folk can’t seem to grasp these simple truths. Too many in the Black blogosphere don’t seem to understand that Black folks issues are everybody’s issues. I certainly hear many people, Black and white, who are rightfully upset that the promise of change are now being deferred to a later time and place. Dreams of hope deferred. Hum….again. I see people complaining that America is still acting in an imperialist fashion in Black countries all over the world. Now I see the occupy folks complaining that the corporate interests who drove all the bad policies of the last three years, are still in place, and still free to do what they’ve always done; put big ass profits over the general welfare of the country. Have you heard anything from “occupy” that focuses on our inner-city inequities? I don’t care if Barack was the Blackest man on this planet, his actions in these and other respects is plainly and simply a 180 degree turn from the hopeful rhetoric of his 2008 campaign. Few intelligent Black people thought Obama would be a back-to-Africa, Black Nationalist radical. Come on! Another thing I just can’t understand is why white folks fail to comprehend that many of the issues that we Black people love are issues they love too; those of fundamental fairness for the betterment of the entire country. Now, we need new and bold policies that will bring about a much needed redistribution of the ill-gotten wealth in this country, and that could act as a catalyst and model for the improved delivery of social, educational, health, and economic programs for all of the impoverished Black people in this so called land of milk and honey. We should never be afraid to speak the truth to power, no matter how that power looks. If Barack was my blood brother, I would be kicking his ass out behind the house for being such a disappointment. Certainly he deserves, and will receive, no free pass, just because he is our Black face in a high place. He still has my support, but only because the alternative is nuclear winter. You know what that means, don’t cha!

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